Let The Star of GoldenPark

Lead The Way!

We exist to provide song artists, musicians, studios, and any person wishing to record with lyrics. We are a team offering professional lyric writing services.

What We Offer

After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped
over the place where the child was.


Our lyrics are handwritten and derived out of your real-life experiences.

Iambic Pentameter

We write all our verses in iambic pentameter which is (da DUM) the da-DUM of a human heartbeat

Personal Writing

You may schedule a one-on-one consultation with us to discuss your stories, and we will cultivate them

About Us

We are an innovative literary company that takes delight in writing.

We are licensed trained professionals. Follow The Star Lyrics operates under the umbrella of GoldenPark Pataskity Publishing Company. We believe in the never-ending work of writing, and our poems are easily converted into lyrics. Have you enjoyed the lyrics that you have read so far on our company’s website? If so, we want to work directly with you, and or your team to produce handwritten lyrics.

Contact Us

Keep In touch With Us

Once you have contacted us via the form, we will review your request and promptly respond within 3-5
business days excluding any holidays.

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